Bild von Steinen, die die Barackenstandorte im ehemaligen Häftlingslager kennzeichnen, Foto: Michael Kottmeier, 2005. (ANg 2014-479)
Stones marking the locations of the barracks in the former prisoners’ compound. Photograph: Michael Kottmeier, 2005. (ANg 2014-479)

Getting Here

Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial
Jean-Dolidier-Weg 75
21039 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 – 4 28 13 15 00
Fax: +49 40 – 4 28 13 15 01

Getting here:
By S-Bahn (local train): Bergedorf station (S2), then bus 127, 227 (busstop "KZ-Gedenkstätte, Ausstellung")

By car: Autobahn A 25, exit Curslack, then follow the signs